Greetings Knights!
Since our launch a few weeks ago, we have been busy. We have been building a lot of features that are crucial to our ecosystem. We have released our Knight and Peasant NFT’s, our Marketplace, Wage farms and so much more.
Knights and Peasants has a rock solid foundation and a strong community and we are extremely proud of that.
It is now time to look forward and bring something that is fun, innovative and unique to Harmony. In this medium article we want to give a rough outline of what you can expect of our questing system.
Keep in mind that it is still very much in development and things are subject to change. The images used here are mockups and not the final versions and our art, sound and lore is still being worked on by different people. Despite this, we feel that a lot of people are looking forward to learning more about our game vision so we don’t want to keep it from you any longer.
I have broken down this article in 7 chapters:
- Overview
- Quest Distribution & Game map
- Quest Preparation
- Quest Mechanics
- Quest Editor
- Knights & Peasants attributes
- How to prepare
Let’s get into it!
1. Overview
Our questing system will tie in with our already existing features, creating one big ecosystem filled with opportunities. By now, a lot of you will be familiar with- or have been leveling up Knights, leveling up Peasants, earning wage tokens in the farms, etc. Our questing system will be an enrichment to this already existing economy we have and expand it greatly.
Quests will be run in a web browser, similar to our existing features. It will have strong RPG elements like leveling up, finding new items and progression over time. You will be sending your Knights out in the world to fight off fearsome bandits, discover unique locations and find interesting items, all for the betterment of your Kingdom.
By selecting randomized, daily quests from our World Map, you can use a Knight to go onto Quests, accompanied by Peasants and items. For every Quest you may choose 1 Knight and up to 3 Peasants and up to 4 Items. It is up to you to select the best combination here to increase the success rate of the Quest as much as possible.
Quests may reward interesting items, Peasants, $KNIGHT tokens or Wage tokens and experience. Some of the items you may find will increase your attack or defense, others might be items used in crafting. Of course, all of these can be traded on the Marketplace to earn $KNIGHT tokens which can further fuel your economy.
As you progress through the game your Knights level up and gain higher stats, your items will become stronger and your collection of Peasants will grow. This will allow you to take on increasingly challenging quests which in turn, provide even more attractive rewards.
The more you engage with all the different features of our ecosystem, the more you will progress. Quests will be randomized events with thousands of possibilities, meaning that there will always be variation in the Quests you will encounter, keeping things fun and feeling fresh!
2. Quest Distribution & Game Map
Questing starts out at the World map interface, accessible via our app. Various quests will pop up on the map each day ( clickable exclamation marks). Most of these are completely randomized and some are campaign quests. Our random quest generator decides where the quests will spawn, what requirements and rewards it will have. We will keep expanding our quest generator, making sure the quests will always be unique!
In order to start questing you have to register your Wallet at the ‘Barracks’ building to receive your honor badge after paying a small one time fee in knight. This prevents abuse of the questing system by making different wallets.
The honor badge will start at rank 1 and it will be bound to the first zone of the Rensmira Kingdom.
A name and a title will be tied to every badge. As you finish quests you will gain experience to level up your badge rank.
Leveling up a badge rank will provide a better questing experience such as bonus drop rates on rewards and being able to do more quests daily.
Every wallet registered at the ‘Barracks’ will receive 4–6 (based on badge rank) random daily quests picked from a list of available repeatable quests.
When you have your Badge, you can start a quest by clicking on the Knight icon that takes you to the Quest preparation screen.
3. Quest preparation
Upon selecting a quest you will be presented with the ‘Quest Preparation’ screen where you will be able to pick the following:
- The KNIGHT (only 1)
- PEASANTS (between 1–3)
- ITEMS from your inventory (between 1–4) that will either passively be used to increase the quest success chance or fill the requirement if there is any, or actively used (such as potions) while the quest is taking place.
While these slot are what we are thinking now for a baseline, we can have group quests that require multiple Knights in the future as well.
This image gives you a rough visual of what it would look like. It is just a figma draft, the real interface is in development at the moment.
As you can see, each quest is made out of different elements:
- Quest name
- Quest lore
- Quest map
- Knight slot
- 3 Peasant slots
- 4 Inventory slots
- Quest requirements
- Quest rewards ( % based)
- Special rewards (% based)
Each quest will contain at least 2 offensive events which will deal damage to your knight. Based on the quest difficulty the total damage will vary in number.
In order to guarantee the success chance you have to pick the right combination of Knight, Peasants and items to reduce the total damage from the events below your knight health.
4. Quest Mechanics
After starting the quest, your units will be staked in the Quest contract for its entire duration OR less if other conditions fail.
An example of a condition failing: Your Knight being wounded and unable to continue. In that case you can either use a potion to heal the Knight or choose to abandon the Quest, returning all your units home (in your wallet) and give you a portion of the rewards they collected up until that point.
You can check the progress of the ongoing quests by accessing the ‘Active Quests’ tab.
At certain time intervals during the Quest, a ‘random’ event will occur which influences the outcome and the rewards you get. These events all have a determined loot table or result which is influenced by your Knight Stats & upgrades, Peasants and items.
In order to see these events you will have to sign a transaction which in turn will simulate everything up to the time the transaction was confirmed. After the quest has been updated you can see the pending rewards just below the ‘Quest Log’.
If your knight was wounded during the quest, you will be able to use 1 or more consumable items from the backpack, containing the items you picked in the Quest Preparation phase.
The rewards will be available either when the quest is completed or if you abandon it early. If you abandon it early you would receive only the rewards found up until that point.
This is the core of our questing system. But how do we get to this point?
5. Quest Editor
In order to simulate a sense of randomness with the quests we will build a Quest editor from the ground up, which will be filled with information about every event, item and drop rewards in the game, and a Quest generator.
After that we will let the Quest generator generate a huge amount of outcomes for each repeatable quest within the game and store them in a local database.
Our Quest editor will help us integrate new content and is future proof, as we can keep adding new variables to our Quest editor.
We will generate a ton of outcomes for each quest so when you start the ‘Forest Bandits’ quest, you will be assigned an ID that maps to a specific set of outcomes that are stored on the chain. If you were to do the same quest a few days from now, the system will randomly pick another ID from the chain which will provide a different outcome.
When moving to the smart contracts side of things, we will mimic the exact same logic we had when we generated the quests.
First, on deployment, we will load all the contracts (Quest Manager, Item Manager, Event Manager etc) with the data from our local db, then we will copy the exact ‘game engine’ logic from the quest interpreter into a smart contract.
6. Knights and Peasants
Of course, Knights and Peasants are the main actors in the Quests. Both are NFT’s and have various on chain attributes which will be used in the Quests. Here is a rough outline of what you can expect from both of them. Again, keep in mind that this is in development and prone to change.

Knight stats & attributes will greatly influence the outcome of the quest.
Before the quests, we are going to release the ‘Training Camp’, a place where knights will be able to train daily to increase 1 randomly chosen stat by +1. (Traning Camp upgrade is required).
Each knight will be able to train for a maximum of 6 days + 1/2/3 day for each Mastery upgrade level, for a total of 30 days, after which the training camp will no longer provide any benefits apart from experience and their passive earning mechanism which is part of our token distribution model.
At the moment each knight has 100 health and 3 Attack, Defense, Speed & Chivalry.
- Health: health
- Attack: gives a chance to overpower the opponents (offensive events) reducing the damage by 50%. If the attack stat is below the minimum threshold for the quest, each offensive event will have a small chance to inflict more damage.
- Defense: reduces damage taken from offensive events
- Chivalry: improves the drop chance of specific events
- Speed: reduces the quest time (events will happen more frequently).

Each peasant profession has a specific bonus it provides when stake which is further amplified by the peasant rarity.
- Farmers: +1 Attack, +5 Health
- Alchemists: +10 Health, +1 Charisma
- Blacksmiths: +1 Attack, +1 defense
Rarity bonuses:
- Wood: +0%
- Iron: +25%
- Bronze: +50%
- Gold: +100%
- Platinum: +250%
So a Gold rarity Farmer would provide +2 attack and +10 health while a Platinum Farmer would provide +3.5 Attack and +17.5 Health.
As new Peasants are introduced over time, there will be an ever expanding amount of unique bonuses they provide, deepening the strategic gameplay choices you will make.
7. How to prepare
Right now, you are already managing your own Kingdom to a certain extent. You are in charge of Knights and Peasants you can train and level up, you can be earning Wage tokens and of course, you can stack up on your KNIGHT tokens. Features like our Bank and Marketplace are all already implemented to accomodate your needs.
There are several things you can do right now to prepare for quests. Note that none of these are mandatory so everything you do is a personal choice:
- Collect rare Peasants — Peasant bonuses on quests are enhanced by their rarity
- Upgrade Knights — Knight upgrades directly impact Knight stats, the biggest succes factor in quests
- Collect Wage tokens — Wage tokens will be used to buy items to assist you on quests, like potions and food
- Level up Peasants — Increases wage token emissions
Our questing system is still in heavy development, meaning a lot of variables will be changing and nothing is set in stone yet. Despite being early in development, we hope that this article has given you some clarity on what you can expect when we launch quests.
Quests won’t be the end station though. We have a ton of exciting things we want to dive into and expand on, like introducing new Peasants, crafting, buildings, PVP and so much more. Quests will just be another step in our long journey.
A VERY exciting step!