Hey everyone!
The moment you and we have been waiting for is almost here. Quests are almost upon us. On Friday September 23th, 8 PM CET, adventure BEGINS!
Quests will be a massively exciting feature. Everyone will finally be able to test their Knights in battle, use those items they have been hoarding to assist them and of course, put those Peasants to good use!
A TON of work has gone into this upcoming questing system and we can’t wait for you all to enjoy it. Because we are getting so close, we want to share a lot of details with you all today.
This will be a long read but worry not. We will provide shorter guides in text and video format and update our docs soon. Besides that we will be around on Discord as always, answering your questions.
Let’s dive into it!
Please note that the numerical values you see in this article are subject to change as we are still finetuning them.
A brand new, exciting feature that is releasing alongside Quests is the badge. The Badge serves two important purposes which we will touch on here.
Entry to Quests
Every player wishing to start their epic journey will need to buy a Badge. You only need to buy it once per wallet. The price is TBD and paid using the $KNIGHT token. There is a certain amount of quests you can do for free daily and the Badge system is partially meant to discourage multi walleting, hence the one time fee.
Once the fee is paid you can choose a name of your liking and when satisfied, hop straight into Questing!
Reward track
The second purpose of the Badge and the most exciting one is the rewards track!
Your badge has a level, starting with 0 and ending at 50. Future content patches will increase this Badge cap, leading to an endless amount of fun and adventure.
By completing Quests, you have a chance to earn Badge experience. When reaching the experience tresshold for your current Badge level, you will be able to level up your Badge and claim your rewards.
Leveling up your Badge comes with great rewards and perks. Some levels grant equipment and handy consumables, others come with Knight Blessings which increases your Knight’s stats. Some will reward Wage / $KNIGHT token bags and some reward extremely rare items. One of the most coveted rewards is an additional item slot, which will greatly assist you in taking on the toughest of challenges.
In future content releases, Badge levels will always play a major role in the world we are building. Questing and the Badge will always be relevant and content will always be added to this exciting new feature!
Once you have your Badge, it is time for adventure. Gather your allies and prepare to take on the numerous threats surrounding the city of Rensmira!
As you open the Quest Map, you will see a large map of the Kingdom. Every day, new challenges await you here. You can “Roll Quests” for free once a day, giving you 4 challenges each day ( more on rolling Quests later on in this article). Clicking one of the Quest icons indicated with a “ ! “ on the map, you will find a brief description of the task at hand before you are taken to the Quest preparation screen.
The Quest preparation screen is where you need to assemble your best setup for the challenge ahead. Let’s take a look at the different elements of the preparation screen and go over them one by one.
- Knights
On the left hand side of your screen you will find all Knights currently in your wallet. Selecting a Knight will move it to the middle of the preparation screen and its stats will be displayed just slightly left of the Knight.
2. Peasants
On the left hand side of your screen you will also find your Peasants. When selecting a Peasant, you “slot” the Peasant into one of the 3 Peasant slots. Each different type of Peasant comes with bonus stats ( this bonus is influenced by Peasant rarity and Peasant profession title). In this example, we select a Bronze Hunter.
As you can see, the Hunter provides +2 Attack and +4 Speed. This bring us a little bit closer to the Speed requirement ( 30) for this Quest. A list of the bonuses for each Peasant will be released before launch when all values are finalized.
3. Items
If you can’t reach the Quest requirements using your Knights and Peasants, you can use one of your items. By clicking on the item slots, you open an inventory with all of the equipment and consumables you could use. To reach the Health requirement ( 150) for this Quest, we’re going to use a small health potion which grants us +30 Health. This puts our total Health for this Quest at 150, which is precisely enough!
Note that using a consumable item burns the item after the quest, using an equipment piece does not burn it and can be used multiple times.
4. Party stats and Quest requirements
Here you will see the requirements you need to meet. The more requirements you meet, the higher your chance of getting rewards and Badge experience. The red values are the requirements you need to meet and the black values are your total stats ( Knights, Peasants and Items combines). the number between the brackets is the bonus stats you have so far slotted in from Peasants and Items.
Sometimes you don’t need all 5 stats to complete a Quest. In this Quest charisma does not matter and thus the total requirements you need to meet are 4.
5. Rewards
Even a virtuous Knight such as yourself does not go out into the wild just to kill time. You want to be rewarded for your efforts! Quest rewards will help you on your next Quests and they also drop important crafting materials and building materials needed for our upcoming Crafting and Land features!
The possible rewards are shown on the right hand side of the screen. Meeting more requirements increases your chance of getting more than 1 reward and also getting more Badge experience.
Example: meeting 5/5 requirements gives you a chance for 3 rewards from the loot table as well as a chance to gain double Badge experience. Meeting 3/5 requirements grants no guarantee of any reward at all and meeting 0/5 requirements gives no rewards at all.
Let’s pick a strong setup and try to fill as much requirements for this challenge as we can and see what rewards we get!
Despite my best efforts, I could not reach the Speed requirement. We start the Quest with 3/4 requirements filled. Starting the Quest triggers a MM transaction and after that, the result screen pops up.
A successful result!
We earned 1 Badge exp and a Frozen Metal Ingot! Of course, all items found on Quests are NFT’s that will be tradeable on our marketplace.
After you have done a Quest, the Knights and Peasants you have used in that Quest are put on a small cooldown ( TBD).
Rerolling Quests
Like mentioned before, you can reroll the Quests you have on your map for free once a day. All 4 Quests, completed or not, will be replaced by 4 new Quests.
If you wish to do even more Quests daily, you have the option to do so. If you have already done the “free refresh”, you can choose to pay a $KNIGHT fee to refresh the Quests again and get right back into the action. You may do this up to 10 times per day, but th e $KNIGHT cost to do so increases every time you refresh. After the next free refresh becomes available again, the $KNIGHT fee resets again.
Knight Stats
The most important character during your Quests is of course your Knight!
Because of the importance of Knights and how important their stats are, let’s explore what makes up your Knight stats and how you can increase them.
By navigating to the Training Camp you will find all of your Knights have a set of “Base Stats”. These stats were decided by the following factors:
Knight Traits
Each trait a Knight NFT has except the background makes up for a portion of the Knight’s starting stats. Rarer traits give more base stats, so Knight rarity has an influence on your Knight’s base stats. A Dragon Sword will have more Attack and Speed than an Iron Sword. A Golden Crown will add more Defense and Charisma than an Iron Helmet.
When we have ironed out the final values, we will share them with you all before launch.
Knight Rarity
Depending on a Knight’s overall rarity score, a set of base stats will be distributed to them on top of the stats provided by the Knight traits as described above. We have divided the Knight rarity score in brackets and each bracket has a certain amount of stat points that will be randomly distributed over the 5 Knight stats. If they are distributed on a Boosted stat, they will grant 2 stat points instead of 1.
Boosted Stat
Depending on a Knight’s overall rarity score, a Knight may have 1 or 2 boosted stats. This is also decided by rarity brackets. A very rare Knight will have a high chance of having 2 boosted stats, a very common Knight may have 0 or 1. When allocating a stat point to this boosted stat( more on this in a bit), you will increase the stat by 2 instead of 1.
Increasing your Knight’s stats
After the initial stat distribution, there are 2 ways you can increase a Knight’s stats.
Knight Upgrades
Every upgrade you do to your Knight in the Training Camp grants you 1 or more stat points. A level 1 Mastery upgrade grants 1 point, level 2 Masteries grant 2 points and level 3 Masteries grant 3 points. The basic Training Camp upgrade also grants 1 stat point.
Knight Blessings
A Blessing is an Item NFT that can be found as a Quest reward or awarded via the Knight Badge ( more on that down below). Using a Knight Blessing burns it and grants you 1 stat point to allocate to a stat of your choosing.
These factors together ultimately decide your Knight’s stats and thus how well prepared your Knight is for battle.
Like we mentioned at the beginning of this article, we don’t have a release date yet but it is very close. Our moderator team has been helping out testing and most bugs have been squashed. We are balancing out some values at the moment and adding in some more items to round everything out nicely.
Let us know what you think of our Questing feature in our Discord!
As always, we love to hear your thoughts. A ton of work has gone into this and a lot of the features we already have are coming together here. Knights, Peasants, wage tokens and items are all getting a massive utility boost and we can’t wait to see how you all fare on your adventures!
Catch you in the Discord!